Thursday, June 16, 2011

Writing Challenge #1

Inspired by a visit to Illuminated Mind I signed up for the Ralph Waldo Emerson 30 day writing challenge. Mind you, I signed up late, and I know for a fact that I will not be able to write a post every day (but maybe I will), however, the prompts are some good food for thought and I will on occasion write an entry until the challenge is complete.

Wholly Strange and New by Bridget Pilloud

When good is near you, when you have life in yourself, it is not by any known or accustomed way; you shall not discern the foot-prints of any other; you shall not see the face of man; you shall not hear any name;—— the way, the thought, the good, shall be wholly strange and new. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Can you remember a moment in your life when you had life in yourself and it was wholly strange and new? Can you remember the moment when you stopped walking a path of someone else, and started cutting your own?

Write about that moment. And if you haven’t experienced it yet, let the miracle play out in your mind’s eye and write about that moment in your future.


Yes. I do remember that moment. Very clearly.

I was driving on 75N. I had a jam packed day. Earlier I had driven up to a lake house to celebrate a friend's birthday. Then, duty called and I drove down to dance to Blair Crimmins and the Hookers at the Dogwoods Arts Festival. All dressed up and handing out cards, I encouraged other lindy hoppers to show up and help market our scene by doing what we do best - dance. It worked and I handed out about 30 ASEDA cards. With a smile on my face and my vintage suitcase in hand I left the park and headed back up to the birthday party. On my way it hit me. I was living my life. For me. Not in a selfish way -- because my entire day revolved around activities that would either make someone else happy or support my scene -- but in a way that made me feel completely in control. Not at the mercy or whim of another person. I made the decision to have such a crazy schedule and drive about 100 miles that day. But, you know what? It felt great. I felt free. I felt like Atlanta was my home. I had real friends. I had the freedom of choice.

I haven't looked back since.

So, how about you? Have you had this moment? When and where was it? Or, do you imagine it to happen in the future?

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