Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rebecca Furguson

It has been awhile since I have felt the desire to share a new artist. There has been some great music flying around this spring/summer, but all are sophomore albums or just fun pop radio tunes. My summer mixed CD playlist is one that I don't care to share ;) 

However, I think I found Rebecca while poking around on NPR awhile back. Apparently she was on X Factor and blew everyone away. I don't watch TV, so I missed out on that. heh. Her first single is downright f'ing awesome and I am actually impressed with the rest of her album. A little bit soul, a little bit Adele, a little bit Alicia Keys, this chick has a throwback sound without being a copycat. Hop on Spotify and check out my favorites: Fairytale, Mr. Bright Eyes, and Fighting Suspicions. Here is the only song you can really find on YouTube right now.

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