Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Writing Challenge #14

10 Year Text by Tia Singh

Speak what you think now in hard words, and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Imagine your future self, ie, you 10 years from now. If he/she were to send you a tweet or text message, 1) what would it say and 2) how would that transform your life or change something you’re doing, thinking, believing or saying today?


1) Stop being afraid.

2) I would say exactly what I want to say when I want to say it. I would stop procrastinating. I would start believing that I have something worth contributing or saying and not doubt myself so much.

Writing Challenge #13

Overcoming Uncertainty by Sean Ogle

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Write down a major life goal you have yet to achieve or even begin to take action on. For each goal, write down three uncertainties (read: fears) you have relating to each goal. Break it down further, and write down three reasons for each uncertainty. When you have three reasons for your fear, you’ll be able to start processing the change because you know where the fear stems from. Now you’ll be able to make a smaller changes that push you towards your larger goal. So begins the process of “trusting yourself.”


I really don't feel like doing this today. I didn't get the state director job. Back to looking for high school positions and a commute.

Time for more beer on Frenchman Street!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Writing Challenge #12

Alive-est by Sam Davidson

Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. If we follow the truth, it will bring us out safe at last. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

When did you feel most alive recently? Where were you? What did you smell? What sights and sounds did you experience? Capture that moment on paper and recall that feeling. Then, when it’s time to create something, read your own words to reclaim a sense of being to motivate you to complete a task at hand.


A new friend lent me his bike for my stay in New Orleans. A massive beast that only a Shwinn can embody, this bike came complete with white wall tires, cushy seat, soda rack tied to the back, and handlebars fit for a second passenger. Now that I have lowered the seat to fit my height he is a dream to ride. Bouncing around the potholes in the quarter this weekend I was hit with a sense of being gloriously free. I couldn't help but smile and a laugh escaped me for no good reason. The smells around me were a mixture of southern food, gutter garbage, and salt water. I was surrounded by french-style architecture, sandwiched together; bright, shuttered, with each house as unique as a fingerprint.

I don't know if I can or want to capture that feeling all the time. It was pretty marvelous. However, I will treasure it and go back to that moment whenever I need to remember how incredibly amazing life can be.

Writing Challenge #11

Personal Recipe by Harley Schreiber

I do not wish to expiate, but to live. My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it be genuine and equal, than that it should be glittering and unsteady. I wish it to be sound and sweet, and not to need diet and bleeding. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Think about the type of person you’d NEVER want to be 5 years from now. Write out your own personal recipe to prevent this from happening and commit to following it. “Thought is the seed of action.”


I NEVER want to be selfish, petty, demanding, controlling, or ungrateful. I NEVER want to be a complainer or whiner. I NEVER want to be a fake friend.

My personal recipe to keep this from happening is to: give respect, require respect, practice compassion, and have a habit of perpetual integrity. I am going to love my friends with wild abandonment and surround myself with people that share a mutual appreciation for positivity. I will have a smile, eye contact, and a firm handshake when I meet someone new. I will make an effort to have unconditional support for, and communication with, my friends. No apologies for who I am and what I stand for, but maintain a gracious attitude in regards to other people's beliefs.

Thought truly is the seed of action. I have been doing a lot of thinking the past 6 months - of which my actions these days are a surprising reflection.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Writing Challenge #10

Call to Arms by Sasha Dichter

The secret of fortune is joy in our hands. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

What if today, right now, no jokes at all, you were actually in charge, the boss, the Head Honcho. Write the “call to arms” note you’re sending to everyone (staff, customers, suppliers, Board) charting the path ahead for the next 12 months and the next 5 years. Now take this manifesto, print it out somewhere you can see, preferably in big letters you can read from your chair.

You’re just written your own job description. You know what you have to do. Go!

(bonus: send it to the CEO with the title “The things we absolutely have to get right – nothing else matters.”)


Well, if I get the job that I interviewed for, I will be the Head Honcho =)

- Get the finances in order. Recover all files and start a ledger for 2011-2012. Get the real balance and set up for the next year.

- Organize all physical items. Create an inventory of materials. Organize where and how we order all materials.

- Create a budget for material purchases and contracted design work.

- Make a list of the top 10 teachers in GA that I need to meet. Set up meetings and travel to each school to meet their chapters and introduce myself. Get feedback and advice about the organization. Figure out what people want to keep and what they want to change.

- Create the calendar for next year's conferences.

- Assess the conferences and lay out the schedule and organization of each one.

- Set up board meetings and clarify everyone's role at each conference.

That would just be the short term things. With the organization in such an upheaval, I have a lot of organizing and refocusing to do. Long term?

- Meet with businesses and strengthen connections for sponsorship.

- Align the roles of the Foundation and DOE for TSA. Work out a plan for improved collaboration.

- Set up 2012's calendar of conferences and book all event spaces.

- Organize tax information to make it smooth and automatic every year.

- Research schools that do not have TSA and set up meetings with the technical education teachers to discuss how we could make it possible for them to have a chapter.

That ought about do it. The organization should be self-sustaining and keep rolling once the major hurdles of relocation, finances, and the calendar are taken care of.

New motto?
"I thrive on task lists, not time clocks."

Friday, June 24, 2011

Writing Challenge #9

The last few challenges have been kinda...lame. Or at least ideas that are not really applicable to my life. Hopefully this weekend will prove to be better. This one looks interesting....

Most Ordinary by Susan Piver

Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong what is against it. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

We are our most potent at our most ordinary. And yet most of us discount our “ordinary” because it is, well, ordinary. Or so we believe. But my ordinary is not yours. Three things block us from putting down our clever and picking up our ordinary: false comparisons with others (I’m not as good a writer as _____), false expectations of ourselves (I should be on the NYTimes best seller list or not write at all), and false investments in a story (it’s all been written before, I shouldn’t bother). What are your false comparisons? What are your false expectations? What are your false investments in a story? List them. Each keep you from that internal knowing about which Emerson writes. Each keeps you from making your strong offer to the world. Put down your clever, and pick up your ordinary.


1) What are my false comparisons?
I compare myself to dancers who are working professionals or people who have been doing it for much longer than myself. As a fiercely competitive person that pushes it all underneath I struggle with feeling less than amazing. I have to constantly remind myself that my life path is not to be a famous dancer. I love dancing, I love the challenge, social circle, and joy it gives me -- but I am not going to dedicate 100% of my time and energy into it. I have other things to give the world. I have mad respect for the people that put their heart and soul into it, but I have to remind myself that since I am not one of those people, the result (my level of dancing) is just never going to be the same. (I am actually going to write a mildly controversial post about dancing/teaching and that whole concept soon...still working on formulating my thoughts)

In terms of my job/career I tend to compare myself to people who have been doing it for 20+ years. Guys that started teaching Tech Ed when it was shop, and used band saws instead of keyboards. Hmmm...I know that I have a hefty knowledge base, work experience, and two degrees so why do I compare myself? Well, being a female under the age of 30 does not give you much street cred when you walk in the door. I am constantly having to prove myself and over-discuss topics for anyone to give me any kind of respect. Grrrrr...

2)What are my false expectations?
I guess I keep expecting people to give me more recognition without proving myself so much. But, I am a firm believer in hard work paying off. Weird combination.

3) What are my false expectations in a story?
I am ready to move forward in my career -- and am doing what is necessary to make that happen. But, I buy into the feeling that I am just not good enough. There is no way that I could ever be the director of GA TSA. I am so young, and no one would take me seriously. But, then I turn around and say holy crap, I am so overqualified for this position why would they even bother looking at other applicants? I have content knowledge, teaching experience, leadership experience, event organizing experience, and a solid track record of promotions. Insert expletive.
It is difficult not to buy into the story that I am not an adult with a strong resume. So easy to keep feeling like I am just fresh outta college...

I must admit. I am not a huge fan of this post. It took me forever to write it and I kept getting distracted. Boo.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Writing Challenge #8

Intuition by Susan Piver

The secret of fortune is joy in our hands. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you could picture your intuition as a person, what would he or she look like? If you sat down together for dinner, what is the first thing he or she would tell you?


My intuition would look like a free spirit. A broad smile and easy laugh. A sense of openness and friendliness that does not overwhelm, suffocate, or demand. The first thing she would say to me is to stop being afraid. Stop holding back. Reach for the stars and nothing less.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Writing Challenge #7

Courage to Connect by David Spinks

Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who is one person that you’ve been dying to connect with, but just haven’t had the courage to reach out to? First, reflect on why you want to get in touch with them. Then, reach out and set up a meeting.


Done and done =)

Writing Challenge #6

Enthusiasm by Mars Dorian

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” is a great line from Emerson. If there’s no enthusiasm in what you do, it won’t be remarkable and certainly won’t connect with people on an emotional basis. But, if you put that magic energy into all of your work, you can create something that touches people on a deeper level. How can you bring MORE enthusiasm into your work? What do you have to think or believe about your work to be totally excited about it? Answer it now.


More enthusiasm? Hmmm...I think that I could do a better job of reading technical and/or educational journals, articles, and sharing such things with my peers. I need to attend more conferences and network more. I am absolutely in love with my career and content area. I think it is a very necessary part of education. Engineers are sorely needed in this country -- and students need the opportunity to see all the different options they have in the field.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Writing Challenge #5

You Know by Jen Louden

Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We live in a society of advice columns, experts and make-over shows. Without even knowing it, you can begin to believe someone knows better than you how to live your life. Someone might know a particular something better – like how to bake a three-layer molten coconut chocolate cake or how to build a website – but nobody else on the planet knows how to live your life better than you. (Although one or two people may think they do.) For today, trying asking yourself often, especially before you make a choice, “What do I know about this?”


Ok, it is seriously taking me forever to formulate a response. I think that I addressed this idea not too long ago. Maybe not quite with the same question, but I have always rejected the notion of advice columns, experts, and make-over shows. I dislike the fashion industry, and abhor magazines that depict models encouraging the masses to look and dress a certain way. It is all a means for more money to be spent on things that will be discarded in a matter of months if not weeks for the next best thing.
When it comes to advice columns they are just recycled garbage. No two people are alike and you shouldn't treat them as so. One way to deal with people will not work with the next. Stand firm in who you are, be a good person, give and require respect. All the games and bs will eventually fall by the wayside. Tough? Yes. Idealistic? Absolutely. Possible? I am a work in progress.
Whenever I read something that is trying to convince me of something to buy, change about myself, or apply to my life to 'make it all better' I stop and reflect.

What a great question to ask yourself. I like how the author phrased the question.

Writing Challenge #4

I don't think this prompt could have come at a better time in my life...

Speak Less by Laura Kimball

What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know I. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I once received a fortune cookie that read: “Speak less of your plans, you’ll get more done.” What’s one project that you’ve been sitting on and thinking about but haven’t made progress on? What’s stopping you? What would happen if you actually went for it and did it?


Sometimes when you speak less of your plans you don't have the witnesses to say "Well? Didn't you say that you were going to do so and so?" It is easier to slip, and lie to yourself about what you have actually accomplished. We are our own best excuse. I used to be really private about my plans and realized that I had covered up my dreams with reasons. It is still difficult to share too much about my future plans, but I like to keep myself accountable with a few.

So, project? I don't really think in terms of projects -- rather goals or 'things to do'. Honestly, I am really doing all the things that I want to right now. I think I would rather answer this in terms of personal development. The project I am working on right now is 'maintaining'. Not fluctuating my mannerisms, humor, thoughts, silence, conversation, or laughter (just to name a few) depending on who I am with. Living and relating without fear. That is my project.

What would happen if I just went for it and did it? Well, I think I am starting to figure that out. It is absolutely terrifying sometimes. The "what ifs" overwhelm my thoughts. But you know what? The best part about it is that the reality that is experienced from pushing through that fear is so much more amazing than the dreams that plague me when I don't.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Writing Challenge #3

Ok, I don't have enough time to go into great detail with my responses, but I want to stick with it...

Dreams by Michael Rad

Abide in the simple and noble regions of thy life, obey thy heart. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Write down your top three dreams. Now write down what’s holding you back from them.

1) Go to Europe.
What is holding me back? Finances. Debt. But, definitely not fear. Cannot WAIT to get out of this country and see more of the world.

2) Work from home.
Well, I already took the leap and applied (and interviewed) for a job that would allow me to do just that. It is a position that I feel overqualified for, and yet totally overwhelmed by. I guess the one thing holding me back is a board of directors voting on whether I get it or not =) I have done my part.

3) Live in the mountains.
I moved to Atlanta in 2008, and it doesn't look like I will be going anywhere anytime soon due to career, friends, lovely condo, dancing, and working on feeling like I have roots. However, I am not discouraged. I see this as a long-term will happen eventually. I am patient.

What about you? What are your three dreams? Anything holding you back from them?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Writing Challenge #2

Since I am already a bit behind and I have a few minutes I will post the second challenge right away.

One Thing by Colin Wright

Do your work, and I shall know you. Do your work, and you shall reinforce yourself. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Take a moment, step back from your concerns, and focus on one thing: You have one life to achieve everything you’ve ever wanted. Sounds simple, but when you really focus on it, let it seep into your consciousness, you realize you only have about 100 years to get every single thing you’ve ever wanted to do. No second chances. This is your only shot. Suddenly, this means you should have started yesterday. No more waiting for permission or resources to start. Today is the day you make the rest of your life happen. Write down one thing you’ve always wanted to do and how you will achieve that goal. Don’t be afraid to be very specific in how you’ll achieve it: once you start achieving, your goals will get bigger and your capability to meet them will grow.


Wow. Let's just say that it is difficult for me to narrow it down to just one thing. Live on top of a mountain in a house that my family built, be a muppet, work from home, be a college professor, win a major dance competition with my dance partner, the list simply goes on. Let's pick the college professor...

I will achieve this goal by getting out of the middle school classroom this year. Period.
I will get a job in either my field in industry, leadership, or high school.
Within 5 years I will apply to a doctoral program. UGA or NC State are my top choices.
During the 5 years of working and gaining experience I will look into teaching community college classes -- either in-person or online.
As a full time doctoral student I would like to be teaching classes as adjunct faculty.
Once graduated I will have a solid resume of public school, leadership, community college, and part-time faculty positions.
I will then decide where I want to live and apply at universities in areas of the country that support my lifestyle, mindset, and love of nature.

Yes. that ought about do it =)

What is your one specific goal? You can just list your goal or give me details. I would love to hear about your dreams...

Writing Challenge #1

Inspired by a visit to Illuminated Mind I signed up for the Ralph Waldo Emerson 30 day writing challenge. Mind you, I signed up late, and I know for a fact that I will not be able to write a post every day (but maybe I will), however, the prompts are some good food for thought and I will on occasion write an entry until the challenge is complete.

Wholly Strange and New by Bridget Pilloud

When good is near you, when you have life in yourself, it is not by any known or accustomed way; you shall not discern the foot-prints of any other; you shall not see the face of man; you shall not hear any name;—— the way, the thought, the good, shall be wholly strange and new. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Can you remember a moment in your life when you had life in yourself and it was wholly strange and new? Can you remember the moment when you stopped walking a path of someone else, and started cutting your own?

Write about that moment. And if you haven’t experienced it yet, let the miracle play out in your mind’s eye and write about that moment in your future.


Yes. I do remember that moment. Very clearly.

I was driving on 75N. I had a jam packed day. Earlier I had driven up to a lake house to celebrate a friend's birthday. Then, duty called and I drove down to dance to Blair Crimmins and the Hookers at the Dogwoods Arts Festival. All dressed up and handing out cards, I encouraged other lindy hoppers to show up and help market our scene by doing what we do best - dance. It worked and I handed out about 30 ASEDA cards. With a smile on my face and my vintage suitcase in hand I left the park and headed back up to the birthday party. On my way it hit me. I was living my life. For me. Not in a selfish way -- because my entire day revolved around activities that would either make someone else happy or support my scene -- but in a way that made me feel completely in control. Not at the mercy or whim of another person. I made the decision to have such a crazy schedule and drive about 100 miles that day. But, you know what? It felt great. I felt free. I felt like Atlanta was my home. I had real friends. I had the freedom of choice.

I haven't looked back since.

So, how about you? Have you had this moment? When and where was it? Or, do you imagine it to happen in the future?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rex and Wingy

It occurred to me that I would not have a laptop once summer rolled around. My plan is to find a new job and that meant my trusty IBM Thinkpad would have to be left at Snellville. So, with a bit of advice from an exceptionally informed (nerdy) friend I went ahead and purchased a refurbished MacBook Pro. It was like Christmas and my Birthday all rolled into one when she showed up. There was a great deal of jumping around and then sitting around as everything was transferred and updated. The point of this story is that now I have enough room for allllll my music on my new shiny Vento - all of which I was not familiar with. So, I have spent a great deal of time combing through my new-found library and organizing it in typical Type A fashion.

One of the gems I found is: Rex Steward and Wingy Manone - Trumpet Jive! Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot stop listening to this album. I feel as though I need to thank Brooks for this one. Of course I dig Wingy and play him regularly, but this collaboration album is the ish. Do yourself a favor, and if you do not already have it -- go get it! (Which is excellent advice for life in general)

And on the note of digging through my music collection and getting excited over finding albums that are simply divine I would thoroughly enjoy some suggestions. DJing has turned out to be so much more fulfilling than I ever imagined. I started doing it as a personal challenge, and it has slowly turned into one of my favorite parts of being a vintage jazz dancer.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Unschooled and always learning

Reading an article about alternative schooling always gives me a bit of a rise. Well, maybe more along the lines of a spark of hope. In turn, the comments always make me a bit sick. First, read the article and then what I am going to say will make a bit more sense.

NPR - Unschooled: How One Kid is Grateful He Stayed Home

Ok, so I am a bit appalled that Sam didn't learn how to read until he was 10. But, in turn I think that his mom was trying to really 'stick to the program'. So, kudos to her. When I was a wee one I told my mom that "I don't ever want to learn how to read. It's stupid and boring." (This sentiment stemmed from my sister neglecting to play with me 24/7 because her nose was always in a book) My mother was horrified, naturally, but then just chilled out and gave me a little more time to figure out that if I was to keep up with Lydia I would have to learn on my own. So I did. Sure, it was a bit later than some other kids, but it certainly wasn't until I was 10. I think my mom used a great method for home schooling -- a mixture of encouragement, exposure, modeling, and personal choice. With an exceptionally nerdy older sister (by 4 years) to compare myself to, I had no other choice than to keep up. And it NEVER occurred to me that she *should* be better than me at everything. We were the equivalent of a 5th grader keeping up with an 8th grader.

Subjects like math, science, and foreign language were all presented with texts specifically designed for the self-taught. Language Arts was more of an 'immersion' approach. She didn't harp on grammar (which rared it ugly head in college, and still today), but was a huge advocate of reading. We would spend hours and hours in the library. Vocabulary, spelling, and the correct use of words (their & there), were her focus instead of where that pesky little comma is supposed to go. Oh well.

When it came to electives I was allowed to explore at my own pace. After positively hating piano lessons she gave up and let me choose my own musical path. Voice lessons and guitar were my choices and I dove right in. One of her best friends introduced me to the joys of painting and I spent a summer in my room painting skies and mountains. Sports have always eluded me though, and despite multiple soccer camps I am still terrible at all team sports. Determined that we would not be entirely sports-less she enrolled my sister and I in martial arts when I was 12. At 16 I earned my black belt. Oh yeah, and I figure skated for a few years before I realized that I would rather be a ninja instead of develop anorexia on ice. In retrospect I think that all my electives were very unschooled. I would randomly develop an interest in a topic and then immerse myself in it as much as possible. It is still how I tend to learn.

So what did the rest of the family think? I am certain they were horrified. My grandmother dragged us to as many museums, operas, concerts, and historical sites as possible in hopes that my sister and I would not turn out like cave children. After all, she was a school teacher her whole life. In reflection I think I went on more field trips than a regular ed student. But now when I travel I make an effort to hit a few 'points of interest' in every city. Take that, public school!

Enough rambling. I would like to address some of the concerns that people have and provide my own opinions.

I think that social outlets are the responsibility of the parent. Kids that don't have enough interaction with other children are simply being sheltered on purpose. Between martial arts, figure skating, soccer camps, and church, my sister and I had a lot of interaction. I even went to a junior and senior prom.

Language Arts is a huge problem for all home schoolers. It is just isn't a topic that is easily learned. We need feedback, editors, and the rules explained. English is a difficult language to say the least, and it is my biggest regret. I read voraciously and feel as though my vocabulary is quite extensive. But in turn I cried over three page papers in college and am still crap when it comes to the little things -- like commas. Oddly enough, journaling is one of my favorite past times. However, I have two degrees and have written multiple papers 20+ pages. I disagree with letting a child learn to read and write at their own pace. It is by far the most important thing in getting a job and people who have poor vocabulary/spelling/writing skills are often disregarded more quickly.

Contextual learning is simply a way of life for a home schooler. We know how to budget, calculate, and apply pretty much everything we learn -- because we have to. Grocery shopping is math class. Mowing the yard is PE. Spending hours simply being outside and looking at everything up close is science. Why and how? Go read about it. Then go exploring some more.

I am afraid of home schooling my kids. I am afraid of sending them to public school. I don't think there is a perfect solution. I think my sister is doing a fantastic job with her young'uns. They are very bright and inquisitive. She talks to them in a very adult manner, and treats the world as a constant place to learn. They will (and are) attending school, but I would like to see how long that lasts. School can be very confining if the teachers are not equipped to deal with fast-paced learners.

To wrap up this rambling post I have one more link for you to check out. As with most everything in life, don't knock it til you try it.
10 Famous People who were Home Schooled

My final though? With all this innate desire to learn and the realization of where my educational gaps are I think I will do a little homeschooling this summer.

Monday, June 6, 2011

No such thing as usual

Currently listening to Kate Havnevik's album, Melankton. She definitely has a Bjork sound.

~ New Day ~


As small as it may seem you can tell if someone values 'you' by their attention to the spelling of your name.

"So what are your plans this summer?"
"Not make any lists. Avoid a lot of time commitments. Learn how to be a little messy. Dance."

Work on fixing all the things that made your last relationship fall apart -- with your friends. If you can be all those things to people that you are not madly in love with, when the time comes for you to share your life with 'that person' it will be easy. Respect. Compromise. Honesty. Communication. Support. Listen.

In our brokenness, we are unlimited. And that means we are amazing.

Actual Blog Entry:

Today I am upholding my summer routine of holding down a chair and table at a nearby coffee shop. It has taken me about three hours to muster the courage and clarity of mind to be able to write a cover letter. Courage, because it is for a job that I really don't think I will even be considered for, time, because I totally blanked how to write one of these and I am a terrible writer. So many thoughts just spill out into unprofessional rambling. Gah.

The more I am in the classroom the more I consider the fact that I might want to do something different. Yes, I love being a teacher -- or more specifically -- a leader. In reflection I have a history of being promoted by recommendation. Even when I worked at Papa John's I was asked to be a shift manager, in college I was pushed to Photo Editor, in grad school I was hired on as adjunct faculty. I am so young and so inexperienced in the organization that I am applying for, but it is in my field (Tech Ed), and when I read the duties and responsibilities that this person much have it is such a no-brainer. Challenging? Yes. Time-consuming? Yes. Extremely professional? Yes. Frightening? A little.

I could just keep it safe. Stay at Snellville and keep on teaching my familiar lessons. I could push for a high school job (which I really want). Or I could start to stretch a bit further. Like in yoga class I ask myself, "why?". Am I trying to prove something, or do I really need to go a bit further? Hmmm...more self-reflection is needed. I think it is a little bit of both.

And so I start this summer with nothing as usual. Not sure where I will be in the fall, but I have a back-up plan because those things are very important in this economy. What is usual is my summer plans - LEAVE ATLANTA!!!

I am going to Mississippi first to see a good friend for a weekend. Then, down to NOLA for my own version of dance camp. One part immersion, one part classes, one part music, one part vacation I am ready to just show up and take it all in. After I sweat it up in the Big Easy I am heading over to Austin to work with Andrew. We have some really exciting things going on in our partnership and we have a lot to work on. While in Austin I am going to try to get a better feel for the scene, people, and city. My last big stop will be Boulder to see my Shizzle. While a little dancing might go on, this stop is to recharge and rejuvenate. Big skies, fresh air, and clear water. On my way back I will probably stop in St. Louis for an overnight or two and then Nashville. Rough dates? June 17th - July 17th. Let me know if you live in (near) any of these places and want to catch up.

So, bring it on. I have so much more to lose this time around, and so much more to gain.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Timing is everything

Headlights on the Highway ~ Ron Pope

"And I don't need no secrets, I gave up on lies/
If it's gonna rain I'd rather know then be caught blind"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Free Time

Freetime ~ Kenna

Summer is upon us in all it's 106 degree glory. School's out and I'm out. Where to next? I am taking a giant leap of faith this year and moving on. The road trip is planned, but my fall is not. As I take a deep breath and exhale I remind myself that I have a back-up plan -- which is more than I had when I moved to Atlanta.

So many plans. So many dreams. So much growth. So much left to grow. I am ready. Nervous. Excited. Overwhelmed. Going for it.

"Do one thing everyday that scares you" Today? Check.

More posts coming soon now that I own my own computer (Vento), and I have 7 weeks of free time. So many ideas and thoughts brewing...