Sunday, September 27, 2009

Goals. Plans. Dreams. Reality

Bon Iver radio is always a good choice.

Feelings of accomplishment:

With nothing to do for two days during the Great Floods, I sat in the Alcove and created my first website. Check it:

I lowered my ridiculous student loan payments and cut back on a couple of 'extra' expenses. These furlough days are really the suck. $200 less per month is a hard hit to take right now...

Now, on to the reason for this post. Organizing ideas, plans, and goals that I intend to make reality.

Goals for the month:

1. Paint my living space. Khaki is certainly the most god-awful color for a home. It is not green, not yellow, and not brown. One of those in-between colors that cannot make up it's mind depending on the light and time of day. Basically it is mild vomit mixed with 70's porn hotel color. Boo.
I am going to paint one wall chocolate brown. The rest will be a subtle steamed milk look - enough color to not be white, but white enough to contrast nicely. 2/3rds of the way to the right on the chocolate wall will be a 2' wide vertical stripe. 12" mirrors and b/w photography will grace the stripe.
On the dining room wall I am still going to hang a cluster of mirrors, only they will have some 12" chocolate squares to accent and tie it to the living room.
The kitchen will be the neutral color...I think...and I am going to do something mildly artistic around the enormous mirror that is currently on the far wall. Still taking idea applications...

2. Buy a floor lamp. My landlord came by and picked up the one that was left and they said I could keep. Well, it doesn't really matter was covered in paint and hand prints.

3. Buy a welcome mat. The strip of carpet is just looking worse and worse.

4. Replace the shower head. It is perfectly suited for, oh say, Joanna, but not a person of average height. (Not to say you are short Little Liza, but we all know everyone can't be fun sized).

5. Drive to NoLa, dance my feet off at ULHS, and make a good representation for the Southeast in Comps.

6. Get at least one student for private lessons.

7. Leave work before 6pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Goals for the rest of the year:

1. Replace the fluorescent light above the sink. It is just hotel. I am thinking of some modern track lighting.

2. New tires for Lola.

3. Perform at Lindy Focus.

4. Start a consulting business for parents that have decided to school their children at home.

5. Go to at least one more live concert. Ray Lamontagne is Nov 1st.

Making lists helps. In more ways than one. Let me know what you think of my goals...or if you can help any of them happen sooner/faster =)



Button said...


A million times yes.

I love goal posts (not the football kind), because I love to see what other people are thinking, aiming, dreaming for in their lives. Plus, their inspiration and desire to better themselves immediately just shines through even the most horrible writing. So then when it's so nicely and stylistically written, like yours, I can't stay away from reading them.

Home improvement and decoration are high on my list right now, along with plenty of dance stuff. Nice to see that we're both in the same frame of mind there. I want to see your place! Especially once the chocolate brown's been dispersed. I LOVE that color, especially in a home. I definitely approve of your color choices :)

PS: YEAH weebly. Your site looks really nice--I actually bought my own not long ago, too, to network for future professional stuff and dance stuff. The interwebs are a glorious thing sometimes.

Unknown said...

if you need some photographs to hang (I know you have and can do your own) let me know.
